Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Which One Will It Be: Door #1, #2, or #3

After looking at the different social networking applications, I can safely say that I prefer Facebook over My Space and Ning. I love how simple Facebook is to use and the various applications it offers.

My Space in my opinion is too busy - too many things that take away from the information being displayed. Teens may love this adding their music - personal backgrounds etc. I become distracted by all the hoopla going on in the background.

Ning is ok if you want to start setting up your own network and they really have some nice things you can add for a price. Personally, I am just too busy for this one. I like Facebook because it does everything for me.

I would definetly use Facebook with our Library. In fact, we do now. It is a great tool for getting information to different groups. Our YA department uses it now as well as our Story Hour. We are currently looking for more ways to use Facebook with our library.

So, I guess we will see each other on Facebook. I know you can always find me there.